Member Testimonials

"ASTA has an outstanding legal department who gets on things quickly, never leaves you wondering, always gives you a phone number to call or calls you, covers all bases, and goes the extra mile. The fact that this organization uses its money for the good of education by giving up to ten $500 grants/scholarships per year was another reason I joined."
Drew from Bentonville

“The main perk for me was the liability coverage and the low cost. In this day and age you never know what can happen. No matter what the question is, you can call and talk to everyday people like me."
Jessica from Morrilton

“I joined because I was never a member of anything else. This is protection for the teacher, the individuals, and not insurance for the school districts. It gives me great support, grants, and is very beneficial.”
Courtney from Marion

“The main reason I joined ASTA was for the various support that they give teachers in a variety of ways through mini-grants, teacher scholarships, through professional liability insurance, and things of that nature. The value of others joining ASTA is to be connected with other educators who are experiencing the same types of things, who have the same type of values who want to learn and network with each other. I would also say to be connected to bigger issues of what is going on in the world outside of your classroom and how you can be a part of that. ASTA gives you a great voice and a great network to do those types of things.”
Ali from Marion

“This association supports me and helps me to know what I should do when and if I have problems.”
“ASTA cares about teachers and focuses on professional development and does not focus on political issues.”
Lu from Bentonville

“I was looking for some kind of protection. I was about to join a union until I found a comparison form on the internet. So, I joined ASTA and immediately I felt like a burden had been lifted off of me. It’s great to be able to call someone and ask questions that you may not feel comfortable asking someone in your district.”
Bethany from Siloam Springs

“We need to protect ourselves because you never know when someone could falsely accuse you of something.”
Shelly from Siloam Springs

“I can call a representative and can get them on the phone within just a matter of minute, and they are always there when I need them. They don’t need the drama. Teachers just want to be able to get the help they need 24 hours a day.”
Chris from Rogers

“I joined ASTA because I knew needed the professional l liability insurance and it was very affordable. I felt like it was a crucial part of being a teacher. The non-partisan professional support is very important to me.”
Diane from Farmington

“I was thrilled to find a professional association that is non-partisan, that only gets involved in educational issues but also listens to its membership and uses a survey and contacts the lawmakers with our surveys and with our voices and for such a reasonable amount of money. As soon as I found ASTA, I joined immediately and have never looked back. I feel very secure in knowing that I have the support and in a very professional way.” “ASTA is not interested in strikes, conflict, and supporting candidates. I think it is a great organization for everyone to join for professional development, for grants and scholarships, for newsletters, and everything you get from it for a very low price.”
Janice from Springdale

“Everyone should join ASTA because of the protection, the peace of mind, and the professionalism that ASTA gives for a very affordable price. It’s great being a part of a professional organization which is concerned about teachers and students with no hidden agendas.”
Jeff from North Little Rock

“I joined Arkansas State Teachers Association, students can hurt themselves and as the teacher in the classroom you are liable as the teacher in the classroom.” “I went into teaching for the kids. I wanted to make a difference and change lives and can’t think of any ASTA member that doesn’t feel the same way as me.”
Tiffany from Bentonville


“Having extra liability coverage is great peace of mind for me and also it was very affordable at less than $200 per year which I feel like anyone can afford, and if you ever have a question about anything then someone is right there to answer it. I have received a grant for my classroom and a grant for my national board certification which has been a huge help for me.”

Jolene from Wooster

“A fellow teacher in Kansas asked me if I was comfortable with where my money was going from me paying union dues. It’s very important to be a part of a professional organization as an educator and it is great to have the insurance. I feel like my mentality as an educator is a shared perspective with wanting to help students, the school, and the district. Many teachers may not have considered why they need the insurance. Do you have parents that may be unreasonable and do you have students who may not all tell the truth? If you do, then you need to be a member of ASTA.”
Lorraine from Cabot

“I am a special ed teacher, so many of the things we do are legally binding.”
Lynne from Springdale


“It’s more than just the liability insurance, it’s the professionalism, it’s knowing that there is someone out there with similar backgrounds in education that are there to support you and give you the tools you need to be a successful teacher.”
“The fact that ASTA speaks on behalf of members only about things important to education is really important. I really appreciate the insight, the research they do, and then presenting our voice to the legislature.”
Libby from Green County Tech

“I joined for safety. You never know when you are going to hit a bump in the road and someone may try to make it a bigger bump.”
Shirley from Rogers


“Because ASTA is a professional organization and not part of a labor union, it appealed to me because I have been a teacher for over 20 years now and if at some point I wanted to make a switch from teaching to administration, I wouldn’t want it to feel like it’s an us versus them. I think ASTA/AAE both embrace all aspects of education from the para pro all the way up to the person in charge rather that be a superintendent or even at the state level. So, to me its more about fully embracing educators as a whole and also the fact that it offers professional services that we would need.”
“My opinion is that whenever professionals stick together much like doctors and lawyers, accountants, name any other profession that requires as much education as we have, I think there is so much to learn through collaboration, and I do believe that ASTA gives us that opportunity.”
Nikki from Springdale

Attention ASTA Members
Let us know why you joined ASTA and what ASTA membership means for you and your students—email us at .

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