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Character Education Character First! Education was brought to life through the commitment and vision of public school and police officials to address the real issues of today's youth. The Character First! Education Series is designed specifically for elementary-age children, pre-kindergarten through sixth grade. The colorful and lively curriculum helps capture children's attention with songs, stores, crafts, games, memory work, object lessons, coloring pages, collectible Character Cards, and posters. For more information, please contact: Character First! Education The National Character Education Center (NCEC) is a global leader in providing educators with numerous options in Value Based Education (VBE). Values in Action! is a nationally proven award winning Character Development Program used in over 25,000 schools. The Values in Action! Program provides numerous lessons that lead to a Value Driven life. The Code for the Road Blog as well as the free online data base Solutions And Strategies newsletter has hundreds of character development activities for K-12 classrooms. Gene Bedley, Founder and Executive Director, is also the National Development Director for the Rachel's Challenge Organization that offers a number of school programs in the area of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL). Rachel's Challenge programs have an emphasis on changing the hearts of kids by starting a chain reaction of kindness! NCEC in partnership with Rachel's Challenge is now offering an accredited Graduate Professional Development online course taught by Gene Bedley (three Graduate Professional Development units from Brandman University): "Value Driven-The Core Ethical Values that Define and Ignite You!" Gene Bedley, CEOClick here for more Character Education Programs. Education Policy & Education Reform Center for Education Reform provides in depth information about the charter school movement nationally and by state. 1001 Connecticut Ave., Suite 204 The Education Intelligence Agency conducts public education research, analysis and investigations. Mike Antonucci, Director The Thomas B. Fordham Institute conducts research on elementary and secondary education reform, teacher quality, and school choice. The Institute "promotes policies that strengthen accountability and expand education options for parents and families." The Thomas B. Fordham Foundation supports the Institute and sponsors charter schools in Ohio. 1701 K Street, NW, Suite 1000 Also, visit Fordham's online bulletin of education news at: Grants & Funding is a nonprofit that connects public school teachers with people who want to support classroom projects. Propose a funding project for your classroom on the website and recruit passionate donors from across the country to contribute. 134 West 37th Street, 11th Floor Job Recruiting & Job Postings is a free academic placement service. Register to make your resumé available to thousands of schools that are hiring teachers., Education Week's career community, provides career resources to K-12 educators and administrators to help them explore their career potential, and to connecting K-12 recruiters with the most highly-qualified candidates globally. Reaching over 100,000 engaged readers each week in print and over 300,000 each month online, Education Week is the largest and most respected news and information source in the K-12 education community. Attn: Customer Service Lesson Plans, Books, & Other Teaching Materials Common Sense Media offers FREE materials designed to empower students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world. Download the new Digital Literacy & Citizenship iBook Textbooks from THE iBOOKS STORE. These media-rich Teacher Editions and Student Workbooks include videos, interactive lessons, assessments, and more! The Printable Curriculum uses interactive SCOPE & SEQUENCE to find the downloadable and printable lesson plans (PDFs) that are just right for your classroom. The Student Video Library has more than 20 videos that are each 2-4 minutes long. Use them in conjunction with their corresponding lesson plans, or use them to jumpstart a conversation with your students. Founded in 1986 by E.D. Hirsch, Jr., the Core Knowledge Foundation conducts research on curricula, develops books and materials for parents and teachers, offers workshops for teachers, and serves as the hub of a growing network of Core Knowledge schools. 801 East High Street Gateways to Better Education is a national organization dedicated to helping public schools appropriately and lawfully teach Judeo-Christian history, thought, and values. Eric Buehrer, President
National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET) is a national professional association dedicated to special education teachers, professors who teach future special education teachers, students who are working towards their teaching certification in special education, and inclusion classroom teachers working with children with special needs. NASET provides practical information, useful resources, member benefits and an extensive special education database. In 2010, the Cyber Innovation Center created the National Integrated Cyber Education Research Center (NICERC) to advance its academic outreach and workforce development programs. NICERC focuses on three core educational aspects: professional development, curriculum design, and collaboration in K-12 education. Through NICERC’s teacher professional development model, more students are ultimately impacted (over a greater period of time) than would any program aimed at students alone. The professional development offered through NICERC provides a collaborative and comprehensive solution that fosters systemic and sustainable change in education. G.B. Cazes Vice President, Cyber Innovation Center Student Paths is a free, nationally recognized showcase program designed to help students with the transition from high school to their future. Founded in 1997 by a college student, Student Paths takes a been-there-recently approach, making it fun, interesting and relevant for high school students. The Student Paths program includes a classroom publication along with a corresponding Lesson Plan Guide. Numerous resources and worksheets are also available. Gayle Saunders, Client Engagement & Support Consultant TeachersFirst is an online community for teachers by teachers. With thousands of lessons, units, and reviewed web resources for K-12 classroom teachers, our website is designed to enrich teaching and learning for both teachers and their students. Helping teachers since 1998, TeachersFirst has earned an international following and is dedicated to providing professional resources to assist both veteran and new teachers. www.teachersfirst.comProfessional Development
American College of Education is a regionally accredited college where teachers can pursue an affordable, accessible, high quality master’s degree in one of five education programs. This highly engaging online coursework was developed by educators to ensure that it will improve your teaching practice, increase career opportunities and help you move up the salary schedule. American College of Education Common Sense Media welcomes you to Graphite, a platform created to make it easier for educators to find the best apps, games, and websites for the classroom.
PowerUp WHAT WORKS is your free, comprehensive guide to technology-enhanced teaching and learning in English Language Arts and Math to help students with disabilities and their classmates become college and career ready by meeting high standards.
Teacher Quality & Certification The American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE) is a non-profit organization, dedicated to recruiting, preparing, certifying and supporting dedicated professionals to improve student achievement through quality teaching. ABCTE offers an innovative, online teacher preparation and certification program for highly knowledgeable individuals who want to change careers and become teachers. ABCTE has issued over 2,000 teaching certifications to date. The organization offers certification in ten subjects including the high-need areas of math, science and special education. The program is currently accepted by nine states for public schools: Florida, Idaho, Missouri, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Utah. Many charter schools and private schools in other parts of the country also accept ABCTE certification. ABCTE has a YouTube channel, where ABCTE teachers talk about the program and share teaching success stories. The organization has also created, an online resource for charter school teachers, administrators and those who aspire to teach in a charter school. Also, listen to podcasts from ABCTE's web radio program, New Teacher Hotline. 1225 19th Street N.W. Suite 400 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) is an independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan,nongovernmental organization. It was formed in 1987 to advance the quality of teaching and learning by developing professional standards for accomplished teaching, creating a voluntary system to certify teachers who meet those standards and integrating certified teachers into educational reform efforts. National Headquarters National Council on Teacher Quality is a nonprofit organization devoted to the pursuit of teacher quality by bringing common sense to bear on this urgent national priority. NCTQ aims to provide up-to-the-minute information on what the various policy options are, which may work well, which seem not to work at all, and how we could learn more. Kate Walsh, Executive Director The National Institute for Excellence in Teaching (NIET) was established with the mission of ensuring a highly skilled, strongly motivated and competitively compensated teacher for every classroom in America. NIET seeks to accomplish this mission through engaging in a broad range of effective initiatives focused on implementing comprehensive teacher quality reforms across the country. 1250 Fourth Street Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) is a nonprofit organization of institutions of higher education and others devoted to the improvement of academic degree programs for professional educators. The Council's primary work is the accreditation of these professional programs through a system that examines and verifies competent, caring, and qualified professional educators.
Teacher Rights & Forced Unionism A special project of the National Right to Work Legal Defense and Education Foundation, Inc., Concerned Educators Against Forced Unionism (CEAFU) was established in 1975 to challenge compulsory unionism for teachers. CEAFU provides Information to teachers about their rights regarding union participation. Cathy Jones, CEAFU Director The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation provides advice for educators regarding union participation. 8001 Braddock Road, Suite 500 Public Service Research Foundation is a national citizens' lobby concerned with union influence on the public. 320 D Maple Avenue East |
Professional Resources This page includes information about a member benefit. |