EIA Report: NEA Spends $18.8M on Advocacy Groups
posted by: Alix | January 10, 2012, 06:38 PM   

The Education Intelligence Agency, a popular education research blog run by union-watchdog Mike Antonucci, has analyzed the NEA's 2010-11 financial disclosure report and discovered that the largest teachers union in the country has given nearly $19 million of teacher dues, some collected by force, to advocacy groups and primarily left-leaning causes. Up $5 million from the previous year, the NEA has increased their advocacy spending despite a climate of declining membership and harsh budget realities.

In examining these groups and figures, it is critical to distinguish the fact that this money is not from the separate NEA political action committee, rather directly comprised of NEA membership dues. Despite claims from the union that member dues stay local, the complete list speaks volumes about where member dues are going in a difficult economy.

Among the shocking contributions, financial support was given to groups that advocate for a national popular vote, socialized medicine, several gay rights firms, and an organization that advocates for easier paths to citizenship.

In addition to these advocacy groups, millions of dollars were given to campaigns to stop ballot initiatives that blocked policies such as school choice as well as emergency dollars to states like Wisconsin and Ohio, to preserve forced dues. In Florida alone, the NEA sent $800,000 to Fair Districts Florida, $500,000 to the Florida Education Association PAC, and another $851,000 in financial assistance to FEA, outside of its yearly subsidy.

Regardless of the fact that polls find NEA members have diverse political views, often leaning conservative politically, the astronomical amount of money the NEA spends on partisan political issues is shocking and offensive to millions. Others have no idea they are paying hundreds a year to fund these partisan causes that fuel a union agenda with tentacles reaching into nearly every hot button social issue. Political leanings aside, the NEA claims to have a mission that exclusively supports teachers. How does funding these causes and advocacy groups advance and support educators as professionals?

It is imperative that teachers everywhere understand where their hard earned money is going. NEA members across the country directly support these groups through their dues, despite what local union representatives tell unsuspecting teachers.

At AAE, we are proud to stand in stark contrast to the teacher unions. As a non-union, non-partisan organization, we operate on a lean budget designed to exclusively spend membership dues on liability insurance, legal protection and other professional benefits. We do not support partisan politics and do not take positions on issues unrelated to education. Know where your money is going; let your colleagues know they have a choice. Join AAE today.

The full list of contributions directly from teacher dues is as follows:

400% Is Too High - $50,000

AFL-CIO - $2.2 million ($1.2 million member communication research and strategy, $1 million legislative policy development)

AFSCME - $20,000

American Rights at Work - $10,000

America Votes - $1,721,000

American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education - $74,000

American Constitution Society - $10,000

Americans United for Change - $30,000

America's Families First - $3,150,000

Center for American Progress - $25,000

Center for Economic Organizing - $25,300

Center for Law and Education - $25,000

Center for Tax and Budget Accountability - $20,000

Center for Teaching Quality - $318,848

Center for U.S. Global Leadership - $10,000

Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association - $50,000

Class Size Matters - $25,000

Clergy Strategic Alliances - $21,000

Coalition for Our Communities - $700,000

Coalition to Save Our Constitution - $25,000

Committee for Children - $10,000

Committee for Education Funding - $19,913

Committee on States - $60,000

Communities for Quality Education - $1 million

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. - $170,000

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute - $55,000

Council of Chief State School Officers - $50,417

Council of State Governments - $19,750

Democracy Alliance - $85,000

Economic Policy Institute - $255,000

Education Commission of the States - $60,000

Education Writers Association - $11,500

Educator Compensation Institute - $25,000

Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate - $200,000

Employee Benefit Research Institute - $7,500

Everybody Wins DC - $8,000

Excelencia in Education - $15,000

Fair Districts Florida - $800,000

FairTest - $35,000

Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network - $7,500

Global Institute for Language and Literacy Development - $18,000

Good Jobs First - $15,000

Great Lakes Center for Education Research and Practice - $250,000

Health Care for America Now! - $125,000

Hip Hop Caucus Education Fund - $10,000

Hispanic Institute - $50,000

HOPE (Yes on SQ 744) - $1,500,000 ($1,758,000 last year)

Human Rights Campaign - $5,000

Idahoans for Responsible Education Reform - $157,000

Initiative for Responsible Investment - $5,000

Institute for Educational Leadership - $5,000

Jobs with Justice - $10,000

Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy - $11,700

Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law - $40,000

Leadership Conference on Civil Rights - $10,000

League of United Latin American Citizens - $70,000

Learning First Alliance - $22,800

Lincoln Center Institute - $75,000

MediaMatters - $100,000

Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund - $10,000

Midwest Academy - $5,000

NAACP - $25,000

National Action Network - $60,000

National Association for Asian and Pacific American Education - $5,000

National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education - $17,500

National Association for Multicultural Education - $5,000

National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials Education Fund - $12,500

National Black Caucus of State Legislators - $5,500

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards - $10,000

National Coalition on Black Civic Participation - $22,500

National Conference of State Legislatures - $40,946

National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education - $400,373

National Immigration Law Center - $5,000

National Indian Education Association - $19,900

National Jewish Democratic Council - $5,000

National Labor College - $17,881

National Pan-Hellenic Council - $50,000

National Parent Teachers Association - $6,250

National Professional Teachers' Organisation of South Africa - $10,000

National Public Pension Coalition - $135,000

National Women's Law Center - $10,000

Netroots Nation - $24,999

New Democratic Network - $15,000

New Organizing Institute - $10,000

New Teacher Center - $333,834

North Carolina Citizens for Protecting Our Schools- $200,000

One Nation/TIDES - $250,000

Parent Teacher Home Visit Project - $10,000

Partnership for 21st Century Skills - $45,000

Patriot Majority PAC - $200,000

People for the American Way - $128,050

Pew Charitable Trusts - $5,000

Phi Delta Kappa International - $50,000

Progress Michigan - $10,000

Progress Now - $125,000

Progressive Future - $100,000

Progressive Majority - $46,625

Project New West - $333,498

Rainbow PUSH Coalition - $5,000

Rebuild America's Schools - $60,000

University of Colorado Boulder Sponsored Project - $250,000

Republican Main Street Partnership - $20,000

Ripon Society - $10,000

Robert Russa Moton Museum - $50,000

Rock the Vote - $80,000

Saving First Things First - $50,000

United for a Fair Economy - $12,000

United for Missouri Priorities - $250,000

University of New Hampshire Institute on Disability - $25,000

U.S. Action - $80,000

U.S. Global Leadership Coalition - $15,000

U.S. Hispanic Leadership Institute - $31,004

Voter Activation Network - $71,900

VoteVets.org - $270,000

WAND Education Fund - $15,000

Washington, DC Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation - $167,336

Washingtonians for Education, Health & Tax Relief - $750,000

Will Steger Foundation - $10,276

Win Minnesota Political Action Fund - $50,000

Women's Voices, Women Vote - $50,000

Youth Service America - $20,000

What do you think about the NEA’s spending? Would you spend your money on funding these groups?
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