Labor Saga Continues
posted by: Pamela | February 24, 2011, 11:43 PM   

The saga continues all over the country as Wisconsin, Indiana, Tennessee, and Ohio lawmakers are all fighting to end compulsory unionism and close budget shortfalls. Despite protests, national headlines and Democratic lawmakers leaving the states in droves, experts are calling this landmark legislation that will change the face of public sector unions for years to come.

Many are calling this the perfect storm for this legislation as countless states are dealing with huge budget gaps, coupled with the fact that public sector unions have been gaining influence for years. In 2009 for example, public employees made up the biggest chunk of unionized workers in the United States for the first time ever.

In Ohio, Republican lawmakers offered a small concession on Wednesday evening, saying they would support allowing unionized state workers to collectively bargain on wages — but not for benefits, sick time, vacation or other conditions. Despite these concessions, Republicans claim they will remain steadfast in passing the bill as is.

In Indiana, Democrats successfully killed a Republican bill that would have prohibited union membership from being a condition of employment by leaving the state on Tuesday, stopping a vote. They remained in Illinois in hopes of curtailing other parts of Governor Mitch Daniels' agenda, including limitations on teacher collective bargaining.

And in Oklahoma, a state House committee on Wednesday approved legislation to repeal collective bargaining rights for municipal workers in that state's 13 largest cities. Rumor has it that the legislation could spread to all state employees.

Meanwhile in Wisconsin, Democrats in the Assembly agreed to a deal in the early hours Thursday to limit debate and reach a vote by midday on a bill remove public worker collective bargaining. Republican leadership in the Senate dispatched police officers to the homes of some of the 14 Democratic lawmakers who had left the state in hopes to delay the proceedings.

ASTA has been vocal about its support of teachers who do not want to be members of the teachers union and who do not want to pay for expensive union dues. Membership in ASTA is only $15 per month and gives educators solid legal and liability insurance. If you are a teacher or know a teacher, please consider membership in ASTA – the non-union choice for educators.

For continued news coverage, check ASTA/AAE's media interview schedule.

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